Mei-Wei Lin

Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 09:00-10:00
Current advances and future prospects of cell therapy for cancer treatment

Mei-Wei was awarded an institute sponsorship of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) for PhD study. She obtained PhD at National Tsing Hua University where she specialized in synthetic biology and CRISPR technology. She engineered baculovirus with a miRNA senor-based switch to selectively turn on killing module in cancer cell, and altered the transcriptome of CHO cell to increase the yield and activity of antibody using CRISPR/Cas13d. She has worked in ITRI more than 15 years. She focused on cell therapy, antibody production, and gene editing to conquer the problems in cancer treatment. She established two patient-derived cancer stem cells clinically relevant for drug evaluation. She is also a key member in developing an anti-immune checkpoint antibody for cancer therapy. This study earned National Innovation Award in 2022 and were issued patents of Taiwan, Japan and US. She also initiated the cooperation with System Biosciences (SBI) in USA for gene editing. . 


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