Hannes Kollist
Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 09:00-10:00
Improving plant water management under elevated CO2
Works as a professor of Molecular Plant Biology (since 2016) at Institute of Bioengineering in University of Tartu, Estonia and as PI at Institute of Plant Sciences2/INRAE, Paris-Saclay, France (since 2024). Hannes is interested to understand the immediate molecular switches by which plants sense changes in the surrounding environment. He is also interested in developing technological solutions for plant diagnostics. Such as multi-cuvette gas exchange systems that allow parallel but independent measurement of several plants whole plant trasnpiration/photosynthesis in response to various stimuli. These instruments are now also offered to the community via spin-off company PlantInvent. His recent focus is to find solutions to breed water-saving crops for a future world with elevated CO2 and more frequent drought episodes.
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